Welcome, welcome to another yea— err… episode of Hogwarts Radio!
Luke visits the theme park for the first time ever. He shares some of his thoughts on attention to detail, food, and most importantly finally settles the long awaited Butterbeer debate!
Bailey and Luke discuss their thoughts on the Crimes of Grindelwald film. What were some of the initial takeaways and how did they feel after leaving the theater.
Future Jacob channels Ross from Friends.
Almost a month after and we still are no closer to understanding what has been going on in this film. It’s all up to speculation and theorizing.
We discuss Luke’s notes on the movie and go scene by scene to try and make sense of it all
The hosts agree, we definitely have 2 years, or 104 episodes worth of information for discussion.
Has Grindelwald written Dumbledore off?
Does Credence have the ability to destroy Albus?
All this and much more on this VERY LONG episode of our FANTASTIC podcast!