- Thank you for ten years of magic! The Hogwarts Radio hosts celebrate the anniversary with a special episode.
- Wrock Update: Luke listens to Oliver Boyd and the Remembralls’ “End of an Era” EP. Remember this song? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vDjOv_B4Gk
- Follow Luke’s Wrock playlist here, and tweet @Lukaferocious and @HogwartsRadio with #WROCKList to make a suggestion on his next listen: https://open.spotify.com/user/1223097650?si=hZ32bfg-QLm8VyMXgHRZOg
- In the news, the Harry Potter Kano Coding Kit will teach you coding through wizarding world challenges! It is the first Harry Potter STEM product.
- Announcements: Thank you for joining our Hogwarts Radio Weekend! Rate and review the show on iTunes. Our second Hog’s Head Radio is out now! Terrance will be at LeakyCon on August 10th as part of the “Potter Podcasts in 2018” panel. Gretchen will be at Gen Con in Indianapolis August 2nd through 5th; tweet @GretchaSketcha to meet up!
- Our main discussion: 10 Years of Hogwarts Radio. How did Terrance pull this off? What is it about Harry Potter that he finds so inspiring? How does it feel to spend 10 years on something?
- Eric and Terrance reminisce about Hotel Room Quidditch. Rules found here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7re_24j8bcM
- We listen to some amazing voicemails from listeners, former hosts, and other Potter Podcasters.
- Would You Rather wraps up this special episode.
- Thank you for ten years of magic! Follow us @HogwartsRadio on social media, and follow our wonderful hosts.
- Terrance: @Terranceus on Twitter and Instagram
- Eric: @ericjscull on Instagram, @spielerman on Twitter
- Bailey: @RiddleWrites on Twitter, @RiddlesReviews on Instagram
- Gretchen: @gretchasketcha on Twitter and Instagram
- Luke: thepodcastthat.com. @thepodcastthat, @notnamedpodcast, @nomugglespod, @knowanddrink, @floatsdownhere, @lukaferocious.